A Kansas City Steak Company with a Proven Track Record
Created at : May 20, 2021Most modern consumers would likely agree that today it is more important than ever before to know exactly where your food is coming from. As a matter of fact, trust in terms of food production and food sourcing is absolutely essential to protecting your family’s health and enjoying tasty delicious food in the most convenient and affordable way possible. A Kansas City steak company with a proven track record that has earned a reputation for quality, affordability and humanely treated animals is KC Beef Co. The company brings years of experience to the table in terms of delivering quality beef direct from farm to table.
The Quality of Care That Each and Every Animal Receives
By selling direct, the company guarantees high quality meat products at incredibly competitive prices. Most importantly, this is delicious tasting beef that has not been subjected to multiple thaw and freeze cycles, that will ultimately damage food quality. Maintaining its own cattle on site, the company guarantees the quality of care that each and every animal receives. With close attention to detail, the company can ensure every customer top-quality beef that is fully farm to table in every aspect.
Born and Raised on Missouri Pasture
With so much to offer it is clear to see why KC Beef Co is a top choice among Kansas City steak companies with an outstanding reputation. It is important to note that all cattle maintained by the company are born and raised on Missouri pasture. Ultimately, they are finished on the farm in close-up pens. As a core value, animal husbandry means that all animals are treated with the greatest of care. This ultimately translates into better tasting beef, the highest levels of good animal treatment and delicious tasting beef. For premium beef products that go direct from the farm to your table, contact KC Beef Co today.