Welcome to Kansas City Meat Company
Created at : Feb 9, 2021As consumers become more and more confused with the quality of beef found in a typical grocery store, they are turning to alternative sources for great tasting beef that is healthy and nutritious. For example, one Kansas City meat company in particular that has garnered the attention of those who demand quality food is Kansas City Beef Company. The company specializes in raising cattle specifically to produce premium grade quality beef that tastes amazing. All cattle are backgrounded on Missouri pasture and meticulously fed only the best grain available. This results in mouthwatering flavor and a true balance of marbling.
Premium Grade Quality Beef
In addition, the company prides itself on carefully tracing each and every calf to ensure full accountability. In other words, each animal can be traced back to the exact sire and dam that produced the animal. Following a calf from birth all the way to the butcher results in the best care and the most humane treatment possible. In addition, the company follows a business model of selling direct. This means premium grade quality beef makes it to your table at affordable prices. Taking the middleman out of the equation means that nutritious and healthy beef is now available to you and your family at prices you can afford.
A Dedication and Commitment to Great Beef That is Affordable
Imagine enjoying great tasting beef that has not come from a packing plant where meat is routinely processed in a series of freeze and thaw cycles. When you choose farm to table meat in Kansas City you are making a smart choice. Few other Kansas City meat companies can compare in terms of the dedication and commitment to great beef at affordable and fair pricing. With so much to offer it is clear to see why Kansas City Beef Co has become so popular in recent days. To learn more about all that this innovative and forward-looking Kansas City beef company makes available either visit online or call today.